Infrared Fever Screening System
- Hospitals
- Schools
- Day Child Care
- Assisted & Senior Living Facilities
- Office Buildings
- Food Manufacturing and Processing.
- Air Ports
- Transportation
- Hotels
- Uber & Lift Services
- Retail
- Automotive
- Areas of Designated Check Points
- Medical Testing Facilities
- Court Houses
- Restaurant’s
- Super Markets
- Cruise Ships
- Coach Services
- School Busses Services.
- Universities
We named a few industries were the infrared body or facing screening temperature equipment can be placed. We also are going to have on line training your personal how to conduct and monitor infrared body or facing temperature process.
If your a certified infrared thermographer looking for work contact us.
Infrared fever screening techs are need according to
Individual Screening Vs Mass Screening:
As experience thermographers we understand the sciences and challenges in obtaining proper temperature measurements. With regards with elevated temperature screening on the masses are some disadvantages due to the resolution of infrared cameras microbolometers IFOV.
- Distance-to-spot ratio.
- Optics
- Hertz rate
- Thermal sensitivity
- Facial attenuation and orientation
Individual or Controlled Screening:
- Repeatable results at same distance increase accuracy.
- Controlled Environment
- Better thermal resolution of the Screening with black body
- Reduced false positive and negatives.
- Standardized screening process
- Workable target plain
Consult with qualified and experienced thermographers we provide via online training on Infrared temperature screenings.
Flatten the Curve with Infrared
How it Works
FlattenTheCurveIR -Infrared Thermal Imaging services of elevated body or face temperature screening technology is non-contact that utilizes a camera device that displays thermal patterns and temperatures across the surface of the skin of given individual. In the EBT imaging process the operator can identify which individuals are exhibiting elevated body temperatures thermoregulation.
Fever is generally accompanied by shivering, increased metabolic rate and oxygen demand can occur. Shivering from fever happens not because of the bodies fall in temperature, but because the set point is driven by pyrogen, a substance that is produced by a bacterium or virus, for example, COVID-19, which may produce fever when introduced into the blood.
Infrared Fever Screening Advantages:
- Real Time Results
- Remote monitoring
- Passive
- More Effective than a person standing using a spot radiometer leads to operator fatigue.
- AI Technology Monitoring
- User Friendly and Customizable
- Email or Text Notifications
- Screen staff is less time reduces waiting times.
Infrared Temperature Scanning Check Points:
- Point of Entrance
- Loading Docks
- Employee Entrances
- Were security Access doors located
- Vertical Transportation Equipment.
Its recommended to have more than one person to be trained as one person will experience operator fatigue that can lead to human error.
BUILDINGTECH INSPECTION SERVICES, LLC is authorized sales rep for FLIR distributors and EBT integrated platforms and other Infrared camera manufactures.
Disclaimers some of the infrared elevated Temperature Screening equipment are not FDA approved or 510K.